Ósnjallr maðr hyggsk munu ey lifa ef hann við víg varask en elli gefr honum engi frið þótt honum geirar gefi.

The Pack


We are a pack of men living by ancestral pre-christianization Norse traditions away from cities. We share our culture, our skills, and our wisdom to help you explore the wild, to ensure your survival in harsh or hostile environments, to make you a better, fulfilled, as well as balanced man, and ultimately to awaken your inner wolf.


Before the beginning of time, where Múspellsheimr and Niflheimr meet in Ginungagap, fire melted primeval ice, and as it began to drip, started to take the shape of a many things, including that of a giant cow, Auðumbla. On the evening of the first day, some hair started to appear from the blocks of ice Auðumbla was licking for nourishment. On the second day, a white head with blue eyes and a thick golden beard came out of the ice. On the third day, a big, powerful, and fair-skinned jǫtunn emerged. His name was Búri. He was strong, exceptionally attractive, and he smelled very good. He had a son, Borr, who fathered many offsprings with his woman Bestla, including Óðinn, and later another descendant, Áskunnr, with a mortal from Miðgarðr (home of menn), one of the newly created Níu Heimar (nine worlds).